What you eat can prevent, delay and in some cases even reverse serious health conditions. We’ve got five tips to make eating well easy!

Be mindful of portion sizes.

Overeating and undereating can both negatively impact your health. It’s also important to remember you must eat enough of the right foods for your body to function effectively. 

For patients with special diets, such as dialysis or people with diabetes, portion control is even more important. 

Follow the plate method when deciding how to build your plate, to ensure you’re getting everything your need for your body to be the best it can be.

Look out for added sugar, excess salt and harmful fats.

Get into the habit of checking the label or considering the preparation method of the foods you’re eating. The nutrition and ingredients label on store-bought foods will list added sugars, sodium content and any fats. Saturated fat and trans fat are potentially harmful to your health and should be consumed sparingly.

Eat your vegetables.

Fitting vegetables into your diet can take some getting used to at first, but positively impacts your body from head to toe, from your digestive and mental health to major organ functions and even preventative benefits. 

Don’t eat what doesn’t agree with you.

Listen to your body, it’s good at telling you what you should and shouldn’t be eating. If you constantly feel tired, bloated or stressed out or experience digestive, skin or hair concerns, it’s possible your diet may have something to do with it. 

Use a journal or an app to journal your food intake and be sure to include any symptoms like fatigue, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, excessive thirst, joint pain, anxiety, etc. This information can be shown to a health professional to help you both better understand what may be causing your pain and/or discomfort.

Feeling stuck? Talk to a professional.

With the help of a nutritionist, you can develop a safe and realistic eating plan that’s right for you. Plus, they can guide and motivate you with creative strategies for meal planning, grocery shopping, and mindful eating. 

A nutritionist is also very beneficial for patients who are severely overweight and looking to lose weight or those diagnosed with a chronic illness such as diabetes.

Having trouble figuring out a diet that works for you? Talk to us, you don’t have to do it alone.

Schedule a consultation with our Nutritionist.