Uterine fibroids are pretty common amongst women in their reproductive years. If you have fibroids, here are four things you should know.

Types of Fibroids

The types of fibroids are named depending on where they grow in the uterus.  

Pedunculated fibroids grow on steps attached to either the inside or outside wall of the uterus

Subserosal fibroids grow on the outside wall of the uterus.

Intramural fibroids grow in the uterine wall.

Submucosal fibroids grow just underneath the uterine lining and can crowd into the uterine cavity.


It is possible for women to have uterine fibroids and not experience symptoms and symptoms can range from mild to severe. Commonly reported symptoms include: heavy and painful periods, bloating in the pelvic region, painful intercourse, lower back pain, frequent urination.

Risk Factors 

Although the cause for uterine fibroids is unknown, several risk factors have been identified. Black women and women whose mothers had fibroids are much more likely to develop them themselves. Obesity, poor diet and vitamin D deficiency have also been linked to fibroids.

Treatment Options

In the past, women with fibroids would undergo serious surgeries to remove them that could sometimes require the removal of part or all of their uterus. Today, there is a uterine saving, non-surgical procedure called UFE or uterine fibroid embolization. It is performed by an interventional radiologist and shrinks the fibroids by starving their blood supply. Women over 35 that experience debilitating fibroid symptoms are good candidates for UFE. Talk to your doctor.

There’s a better way to treat fibroids, now available at Family Medicine Center. Quick and painless, safe, and minimally invasive. Ask us about it. Call 702-9310 or click here.